
05 May 2020 / conference
04 April 2020 / workshops

Modeling entire nested river trees by integrating the river hierachy into the neural network architecture. This manuscripts proposes HydroNets, an architecture designed for modeling multiple nested gauge stations.

12 December 2019 / workshops
12 December 2019 / workshops
12 December 2019 / conference
12 December 2019 / conference
11 November 2019 / paper / code

In this manuscript we test LSTM-based rainfall-runoff models on the task of prediction in ungauged basins and show, that a single LSTM-based model does better prediction in ungauged basins than a traditional hydrological model that was specifically calibrated for each basin individually.

11 November 2019 / paper / code

This paper investigates the influence of the number of training basins and the training period length on the model performance for the EA-LSTM and XGBoost

08 August 2019 / paper / code

In this manuscript we show for the first time how to train a single LSTM-based neural network as general hydrology model for hundreds of basins. Furthermore, we proposed the Entity-Aware LSTM (EA-LSTM) in which static features are used explicitly to subset the model for a specific entity (here a catchment).

04 April 2019 / conference
04 April 2019 / conference
04 April 2019 / video
03 March 2019 / book chapter
12 December 2018 / conference / code
12 December 2018 / workshops
11 November 2018 / paper