Oral presentation for EGU General Assembly 2023. This is one about a certain phenomena that appears when we evaluate a model over subsets of the data. Eventually the plan is to make a technical note out of it.
Category: Conference
Oral presentation at the EGU General Assembly 2022 on a social study to compare expert rankings of simulated hydrographs with quantitative metrics.
Presentation at the AGU 2021 Fall Meeting presenting approaches to improve LSTM streamflow predictions with near-real-time observation data.
Oral presentation at the virtual EGU General Assembly 2021 on rainfall–runoff forecasting with Multi-Timescale LSTM.
Oral presentation at the virtual EGU General Assembly 2021 on rainfall–runoff prediction with Graph Neural Networks.
Oral presentation at the virtual EGU General Assembly 2021 on uncertainty prediction with LSTMs in the context of rainfall-runoff modeling.
LamaH-CE contains a collection of runoff and meteorological time series as well as various (catchment) attributes for 859 gauged basins in the upper Danube catchment and Austria.
Oral presentation at the virtual AGU Fall Meeting 2020 on streamflow prediction at arbitraty timescales with a single LSTM-based model.
Oral presentation at the virtual AGU Fall Meeting 2020 on uncertainty prediction with LSTMs in the context of rainfall-runoff modeling.
Invited talk at the EGU General Assembly 2020 on using LSTMs for flood forecasting in ungauged basins.
Virtual presentation at the EGU General Assembly 2020 comparing LSTMs trained for each basin individually with a single LSTM trained for all basins together.
Virtual presentation at the EGU General Assembly 2020 presenting the HydroNets architecture for modeling entire river networks.
Poster at the AGU 2019 Fall Meeting presenting Martins work on a model comparison study for the Great Lakes/Lake Erie area.
Presentation at the AGU 2019 Fall Meeting presenting our recent results on large-scale hydrological modeling using LSTMs.
PICO presentation at the EGU General Assembly 2019 on prediction in ungauged basins using LSTM based models.
Poster presentation at the EGU General Assembly 2019 on uncertainty estimation using MC-Dropout and LSTMs.