Oral presentation at the virtual EGU General Assembly 2021 on rainfall–runoff forecasting with Multi-Timescale LSTM.
Category: Video
Oral presentation at the virtual EGU General Assembly 2021 on uncertainty prediction with LSTMs in the context of rainfall-runoff modeling.
Oral presentation at the virtual AGU Fall Meeting 2020 on streamflow prediction at arbitraty timescales with a single LSTM-based model.
Oral presentation at the virtual AGU Fall Meeting 2020 on uncertainty prediction with LSTMs in the context of rainfall-runoff modeling.
Spotlight talk at the AI for Earth Sciences workshop of the NeurIPS 2020, presenting introduction of the world and terminology of hydrology/streamflow prediction for data scientists.
Spotlight talk at the AI for Earth Sciences workshop of the NeurIPS 2020, presenting a first glimpse of a new LSTM-based model that conserves mass by design: the Mass-Conserving LSTM